Right after Nazareth and Tabgha, our next destination in the Lower Galilee region of Israel last October 2013 was Capernaum. I really feel blessed being able to reach this place. And to quote what my fellow IGer, @lenzos, commented: "Must be a good feeling ano, you used to just read about Capernaum in the bible tapos one day you're actually there na." Indeed, it was!

Capernaum is located on the northern shore of Sea of Galilee. Kfar Nahum is the original name of the town which means Nahum's village in Hebrew.

This signage found at the entrance of the town greets you as you enter the town. Noticeably, the spelling of the town's name differ from what is written in most literature.

During Jesus' stay here, he lived in St. Peter's house, which is believed to be this hexagon structure. It was in this structure that Jesus healed a paralytic and St. Peter's mother-in-law.

Today, a modern glass-walled church is suspended over the ruins of the octagonal 5th century church that partly obscure St. Peter's house. This is the altar of that modern church.

At one corner of the modern church is an image of Jesus, Virgin Mary and St. Peter.

Viewed from inside the modern church is this Orthodox church with pink colored dome.

The archaeological remain of sacra insula in Capernaum.

This is the White Synagogue or Synagogue of Jesus.

The remains of the Synagogue of Jesus.

Jesus' home base during the most influential period of his Galilean ministry.

'Magen' David or Star of David - symbol of Jewish identity, is one of the noteworthy figures found at the open air archaeological museum.

Likewise, a Menorah - Jewish religious symbol, is also found at the open air archaeological museum.

Capernaum is located on the northern shore of Sea of Galilee. Kfar Nahum is the original name of the town which means Nahum's village in Hebrew.

This signage found at the entrance of the town greets you as you enter the town. Noticeably, the spelling of the town's name differ from what is written in most literature.

During Jesus' stay here, he lived in St. Peter's house, which is believed to be this hexagon structure. It was in this structure that Jesus healed a paralytic and St. Peter's mother-in-law.

Today, a modern glass-walled church is suspended over the ruins of the octagonal 5th century church that partly obscure St. Peter's house. This is the altar of that modern church.

At one corner of the modern church is an image of Jesus, Virgin Mary and St. Peter.

Viewed from inside the modern church is this Orthodox church with pink colored dome.

The archaeological remain of sacra insula in Capernaum.

This is the White Synagogue or Synagogue of Jesus.

The remains of the Synagogue of Jesus.

Jesus' home base during the most influential period of his Galilean ministry.

'Magen' David or Star of David - symbol of Jewish identity, is one of the noteworthy figures found at the open air archaeological museum.

Likewise, a Menorah - Jewish religious symbol, is also found at the open air archaeological museum.
posted from Bloggeroid
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