The Road To Galilee
October 26, 2013, Saturday - the IAEA 2013 conference was already over. But we still have one free day before going back home. Thus, it was another chance to visit Nazareth. And it was a chance we would not let go - for the second time.

The Nazareth tour included visit to other interesting places around Lower Galilee. And even inside the bus on our way to Nazareth, there are already places of interest that could be viewed. This post then features photos of places of interest taken while I was inside the bus.

This view was taken on High Way 60 northbound, approaching Rafael Eitan Bridge and Yitzhak Herskovitz Tunnels under Mount Precipice. Mount Precipice, also known as Mount of the Leap of the Lord and Mount Kedumim is believed by many to be the site of the Rejection of Jesus - the people of Nazareth, not accepting Jesus as Messiah tried to push him from the mountain, but 'he passed through the midst of them and went away.'

This is Mount Tabor or Har Tavor, the traditional site of the Transfiguration of Jesus, in which 'his face became as dazzling as the sun; his clothes as radiant as light.'

This is Mount of Beatitudes, the site believed to where Jesus delivered his Sermon on the Mount or the 8 Beatitudes, whose opening lines begin with the phrase - 'Blessed are..'. The sermon also include the Lord's Prayer.

Yam Kinneret, or Sea of Galilee, is the largest freshwater lake in Israel. According to our tour guide Eyal, the Sea of Galilee is not really a sea but a lake. People in the old times call bodies of water as sea. Hence, it was named as such.

Jesus is believed to spend most of his ministry around the Sea of Galilee. This is also where he is believed to perform some of his best-known miracles such as the multiplication of loaves and fishes, and walking on the sea.

The Golan Heights (Ramat ha-Golan), Israel's mountainous northern region, is one of the most beautiful and most traveled parts of the country.

Viewed in this picture are Golan Heights, Sea of Galilee, and the border to Jordan. - One of the best views I have seen abroad.

And lastly, Har Megiddo, better known as Armageddon, is the site that St. John predicted would host the last great battle on earth.

The Nazareth tour included visit to other interesting places around Lower Galilee. And even inside the bus on our way to Nazareth, there are already places of interest that could be viewed. This post then features photos of places of interest taken while I was inside the bus.

This view was taken on High Way 60 northbound, approaching Rafael Eitan Bridge and Yitzhak Herskovitz Tunnels under Mount Precipice. Mount Precipice, also known as Mount of the Leap of the Lord and Mount Kedumim is believed by many to be the site of the Rejection of Jesus - the people of Nazareth, not accepting Jesus as Messiah tried to push him from the mountain, but 'he passed through the midst of them and went away.'

This is Mount Tabor or Har Tavor, the traditional site of the Transfiguration of Jesus, in which 'his face became as dazzling as the sun; his clothes as radiant as light.'

This is Mount of Beatitudes, the site believed to where Jesus delivered his Sermon on the Mount or the 8 Beatitudes, whose opening lines begin with the phrase - 'Blessed are..'. The sermon also include the Lord's Prayer.

Yam Kinneret, or Sea of Galilee, is the largest freshwater lake in Israel. According to our tour guide Eyal, the Sea of Galilee is not really a sea but a lake. People in the old times call bodies of water as sea. Hence, it was named as such.

Jesus is believed to spend most of his ministry around the Sea of Galilee. This is also where he is believed to perform some of his best-known miracles such as the multiplication of loaves and fishes, and walking on the sea.

The Golan Heights (Ramat ha-Golan), Israel's mountainous northern region, is one of the most beautiful and most traveled parts of the country.

Viewed in this picture are Golan Heights, Sea of Galilee, and the border to Jordan. - One of the best views I have seen abroad.

And lastly, Har Megiddo, better known as Armageddon, is the site that St. John predicted would host the last great battle on earth.
posted from Bloggeroid
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