The White City
This October 2013, I was given the opportunity to join CEM group in attending the International Association for Education Assessment (IAEA) annual conference held at Tel Aviv, Israel.

Tel Aviv, also known as the White City, is Israel's largest metropolitan area. It's greatest allure is undeniably it's Mediterranean seashore. As such, here are some photos I took during our stay there (October 18-27, 2013).

(Some of these photos, together with the captions, are posted on my Instagram account. ... I would also like to acknowledge my fellow IGer @castrooool, from whom I got the idea of using repost apps).

Tel Aviv, also known as the White City, is Israel's largest metropolitan area. It's greatest allure is undeniably it's Mediterranean seashore. As such, here are some photos I took during our stay there (October 18-27, 2013).

Tel Aviv viewed from our room.
(The very first photo I took from Room 1233 of Dan Panorama Hotel, our haven.)

That morning (of October 19), I was too excited for our tour to Nazareth
that as early as 4am, I was already awake...
but it turned out that the samsung world time is an hour delayed...
that as early as 4am, I was already awake...
but it turned out that the samsung world time is an hour delayed...
bottom line: we missed the pick up time :(

Still, it was a sunny morning in Tel Aviv.
(Taken a few minutes after missing our tour to Nazareth.
This was viewed at the even wing of the hotel.)

Good morning Tel Aviv!
(Taken from Sir Peewee's room on October 21, 2013)

I (will) miss this view... Good morning Tel Aviv!
(Posted on October 27, 2013, the day we left Tel Aviv.
This view is on the opposite side of the Mediterranean sea.)

Kinda missing the hotel life...
(Posted a few days after arriving here in Manila.)
posted from Bloggeroid
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