Up Above
I've been to many places, but the sky, the sun and the moon in Israel have different appeal. I found them - attractive. The sky has this different shade of blue - more of egyptian blue (refer to wikipedia for the color - look for shades of blue). The sun and the moon are too full - so big and round. They seemed to be shining for you.

The pictures below may not give justice on the beauty I witnessed. Nevertheless, I am sharing them with you.

(Acknowledgment to my fellow IGer @castroool from whom I got the idea of using repost apps for photos posted on my Instagram account)

The pictures below may not give justice on the beauty I witnessed. Nevertheless, I am sharing them with you.

First glimpse of Israel.
(Taken upon arrival at Israel)

Here comes the sun: Hebrew sunrise :)

The sun shining at the Jaffa Gate of Old City of Jerusalem.
(Taken during the IAEA comference break,
the Eternal Jerusalem and Bethlehem Tour on October 23, 2013)

The sun shining at Nazareth.
(Taken during the Nazareth and Sea of Galilee Tour on October 26, 2013)

As the sun sets...
(Taken on our way home from the Nazareth and Sea of Galilee Tour)
(Acknowledgment to my fellow IGer @castroool from whom I got the idea of using repost apps for photos posted on my Instagram account)
posted from Bloggeroid
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